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Setup Payoneer

Connect your existing Payoneer account with Clientjoy in just one click.

Emma from Clientjoy avatar
Written by Emma from Clientjoy
Updated over 4 months ago

Payoneer is a financial services company that provides digital payment services.


  • Pay up to 71% less in Payment Gateway fees

  • Enable your Global Clients to Make Local Transfers in USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, AUD, CAD, SGD & MXN

  • Automated, Digital, Centralised, and Free Compliance

  • Ability to make Vendor Payouts

In this article, we'll cover

How to connect your Payoneer account on ClientJoy?

✍️ Note: Who can access this feature?

  • Only Admins and Owners can access this feature.

1. Enable it from Settings> Payment methods

  • Navigate to Settings

  • From Settings choose Payment methods from the side menu and click on Payoneer.

  • This will open a modal window to connect Payoneer account as shown below.

  • Click on Connect Payoneer Account

  • This will redirect you to the Payoneer Sign-up page,

  • On the sign-up page:

    1. You can sign-up for a new account


    2. if you already have an account, then you can click on "Already have a Payoneer account? Click here" as shown below:

    Let's login with an already registered account now

  • A new pop-up window will appear, where you need to enter your Payoneer log-in credentials.

  • Enter your Payoneer account Credentials and click on Sign in.

Once the credentials are entered, after a few seconds of authentication, it will redirect you to the ClientJoy screen, where you will be able to see that your Payoneer account is Enabled.

2. Change currencies and use it as default on invoice

  • Click "Connect"

Add the currencies in which you will collect payments using Payoneer as the payment method for your invoices and then click on Save

  • Tip πŸ’β€β™€οΈ: You can enable the option to select Payoneer by default on the invoice to make it your default payment mode to receive payments. Click on Save

How to connect my invoice for Payoneer payment?

You can update the Payment method for a particular invoice

  1. Go to Invoices

  2. Open the invoice you want to update, you can also click on the three dots options to update the invoice as shown below:

  3. Once the invoice is opened, go to Payment methods

  4. Dropdown Payment mode option, and select the required payment you would want for that invoice.

  5. Once the payment mode is selected, you can save or send it right away.

How to receive payment through Payoneer from the client-side?

Your Client can directly pay the bill from the shared invoice file

  • Once the client receives invoice on his/her email, after opening they will be able to pay for that using the Pay button on the right side, as shown below:

  • Clicking Pay button will redirect the user to the Payoneer's payment gateway page as shown below:

A user can directly pay filling up the details or can Sign in and pay with the registered Payoneer account.

Once the payment is successfully done from the user side, it will show "Payment in Process" status on the ClientJoy invoice's section:

Payoneer generally takes 2-3 days for processing the payment in your bank account, so once the payment is credited, the status on your ClientJoy invoice changes to "Paid"

How to disconnect your Payoneer account?

Currently, there is no option provided by the Payoneer team to disconnect the account, you will need to contact the Payoneer support team to help disconnect the account with third-party applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why am I getting an "Invalid field Validation" error when setting Payoneer as the payment method?

    The reason for this error can be, that the minimum length required for the Customer field (Customer Name) is not matching. This will be validated by Payoneer.

    So we suggest you please set your customer name for at least four character letters.

  2. Why I am getting the error "You cannot connect Clientjoy with this Payoneer account"?

    So, you might be getting this error while connecting Payoneer on your Clientjoy portal: "You cannot connect Clientjoy to this Payoneer account. Please apply for a new Payoneer account through Clientjoy using a different email address"

    The primary reason for that can be, that your business or account is not complying with Payoneer's terms and conditions

    We would suggest you please look into the terms and is needed any assistance, you can contact Payoneer as well as Clientjoy to help you in this.

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